Thank you for taking the time to consider Mid Cornwall Hub (MCH) as a day opportunities service for a potential service user.
Here at MCH we pride ourselves on being able to offer a transparent consistent service to the vulnerable adults that require our services. We are predominately a day service working within the core hours of 9.30am – 4pm Monday to Friday, we do however offer a flexible service and at times provide early hours support, out of hours and outreach services. At MCH we have many attendees with varying degrees of health and/or social needs and it is a priority that we maintain a safe environment as best we can.
We are proud to offer a strengths based approach to enable those we support to utilise their own strengths along with the support of their network within their community. We work collaboratively with all individuals, families/carers and other agencies/partnerships to provide a level of support that demonstrates kindness to enable all individuals to live a quality of life that deserves respect and for them to live a life that is valued and that they can contribute and partake within their community. We hold regular reviews at the Centre and are keen to engage all that are involved in the care and support of the individual.
MCH offers a stimulating safe environment for adults with a physical/learning difficulty/disability, whilst offering much needed respite for caregivers.

We are located within the Wheal Northey area of St Austell in a single-purpose, ground floor building with ample parking. We have the benefit of outdoor space to fully engage individuals with aspects of horticulture, meeting with friends and peers for outdoor games and fitness.
We also offer a vast number of activities either within our immediate community or further afield, we go where the activity/interest takes us. Social activities are carefully planned to be tailored to the needs of the individuals, abilities and/or health conditions. We have indoor and outdoor activities to meet everyone’s needs from pub lunches, trail/forest walks, beach walks, mental stimulation games, sports at the local centre, stretching or other gentle exercise, discussion groups (this can be from healthy relationships to managing monies and how to keep safe) to name a few.
MCH are keen to promote healthy nutritious meals, we are able to accommodate ‘special diets’, healthy snacks we offer a bowl of fruit which is located in the kitchen for all individuals to help themselves. Hot and cold drinks are freely available for everyone to help themselves, if they are not able to manage this task then a member of staff will assist. Visual risk assessments are always completed to ensure the safety of that person and others whilst in the kitchen.
Our skilled support staff are highly trained and can assist with the activity of toilet hygiene to maintain the dignity and respect of that individual. We can also support with assisted food and drink in-take. We are able to offer the dispensing of prescribed medications, and this is recorded through a digital MARS log.

Our service users are passionate about their centre and feel able to confidently make decisions around their support. Within MCH we offer a person-centered day opportunities service which enables clients to think about their goals and aspirations and what they would like to achieve. By working closely with all attendees, we can assess what matters to them, what they want to achieve and how they do that and how long they would like to take, some feel that it may be a goal that they are not able to achieve but with support we encourage them to try. For example, we supported a young woman to achieve a goal of going back to education and completing her Maths and English exams. She was so delighted to achieve this that she is now going on to try some voluntary work with animals. This is just one small example of what can be achieved and for them to recognise their goals and aspirations and by having a voice.
We regularly attend peer-to-peer meetings with the Partnership Board and Healthy Cornwall, they really come into their own and feel that they are listened to when they attend these meetings, this is a real confidence boost for them.
All of the above is a small part of what we do, if your interested and would like some more information then please give us a call on 01726 66687 or email Chiara Wagemakers (Centre Manager) on chiarawagemakers@midcornwallhub.co.uk or Karen Gregory (Service Director) on karen.gregory@midcornwallhub.co.uk.
We would be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
Rates/Service Fee's
Our standard day service rate is £43.77 for a full day, an assessed additional support requirement is charged at £66.00 per full day. If 1:1 support is required then this can be assessed and a fee agreed on an individual basis. we offer a cooked lunch at a fee of £4.00, if a lunch is not required then clients would need to bring their own packed lunch. Please note: we do not currently provide transport.
We offer a taster day to see if this is somewhere that the person would like to attend and to assess whether we are able to meet the needs of the individual. Following the taster day we would then decide with individual/referrer/carer if we are able to offer a day or if we are not able to then an explanation would be given.
PLEASE NOTE: A signed contract of service is required (by individual/carer/parent) prior to the person starting with our service. Fees are agreed prior to signing the terms and conditions. Please be aware that fees are still payable even if an individual is absent from MCH as we need to keep the place open and to maintain service standards i.e. staffing. 4 weeks notice is required should you need to cancel the support services we provide.
Thank you for taking the time to look at our website and your interest in Mid Cornwall Hub.
Digital Care and Support – Goals, Aspirations and Outcomes
At MCH, we felt it important to invest in the people who use our service, we wanted to be able to use their voice via a digital system of care/support recording. We are able to use this system to record/track and analyse information that is relevant to the service user. Details of the service users day which include their aspirations, goals and outcomes are recorded via this system and enhances the individual’s journey to enable a seamless service for all. We are transparent with the people we work with by engaging them in open conversations, talking through their wishes and understanding their goals which means talking about how we can achieve them in a realistic and timely manner for them. Goals are measured through this engagement and by recording their views and aspirations, and setting goals that are reasonable and achievable to them.
The individual decides the goal, how long they wish to achieve their goals to ensure that it is reasonable for them to succeed. This then promotes their confidence to be able to move forward with set review dates that are jointly agreed/set. Where consent allows for service users photo’s to be recorded then it is not only recorded via written commentary but also via visual effects of photo’s, this is then shared with the service users who often enjoy seeing a visual aid to promote their confidence, they are normally then keen to achieve their next step and to see their progress either through digital or photographic format.